Oklahoma City Lodge No. 36
We are a distinguished Masonic organization steeped in tradition and brotherhood. Located at 2935 W. Britton Road in Oklahoma City, our lodge serves as a hub for Freemasonry in the area. As a chartered lodge through the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, AF&AM, we uphold the principles of honor, integrity, and enlightenment. Whether you’re a seasoned Mason or someone curious about our ancient craft, we invite you to explore our rich history, attend our meetings, and join us in fellowship. Together, we continue to build upon the legacy established by our predecessors during the 1890s.
Meeting Info
Stated Communications: 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7PM
A meal and fellowship begin at 6PM Prior to Stated Meetings
2nd and 4th Mondays: Dinner and Degree Work or Practice at 6 PM
5th Mondays: Special Dinners and Events
Dress Code
Our lodge does not have a formal dress code. Though some lodges do require a coat and tie for their meetings, many of our members tend to come to Lodge right after work and may still be in their work clothes. We do however request that if you are attending our meeting, please dress as you feel is appropriate for the occasion.
Degree Practices are very informal, and you are welcome to wear whatever you feel appropriate.
Learn a bit about our Lodge.
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Ready to take the next step? Learn what it takes to become a Freemason.
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